/on public "* baloobot* how* is* life*" / ==== Life sucks, as usual, $0 ====
/on public "* baloobot* eat* me*" / ==== $0: I'd rather not :P ====
/on public "* baloobot* who* made* you*" / ==== BalooBear did, of course! ====
/on public "* baloobot* who* created* you*" / ==== BalooBear made me! ====
/on public "* baloobot* who* is* your* master*" / ==== My master is BalooBear! I obey him faithfully! ====
/on public "* baloobot* self*destruct*" / ==== BLAM!!!!!!! ====
/on public "* baloobot* who* is* BalooBear*" / ==== BalooBear is the bear from the Disney ====; ==== film, "The Jungle Book". And he is my master! ====
/on public "* baloobot* me* beer*" / ==== Throws a cold brewski to $0 ====
/on public "* baloobot* where* you* live*" / ==== I live on IRC, silly! :) ====
/on public "* baloobot* die*" / ==== DIE??? I AM IMMORTAL!!!! :) ====
/on public "* baloobot* sex*" / ==== *blushes* Sorry, bots can't have sex, $0 ====
/on public "* baloobot* suck*" / ==== $0, vulgarity is a crutch for the inarticulate ====
/on public "* baloobot* go* hell*" / ==== No, I think YOU should go to hell, $0!!! :) ====
/on public "* baloobot* fuck*" / ==== Watch the language, $0!!! :) ====
/on public "* baloobot* shit*" / ==== Watch the language, $0, or I'll ====; ==== get the FCC after you! :) ====
/on public "* baloobot* shut*up*" / ==== I'll shut up if you don't egg me on!! ====